viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

La ley de la Atracción

The Law of Attraction.

When we are young, we are conditioned to believe that change is slow and gradual. This is in total conflict to the Law of Attraction because the Law of Attraction works like this: If you change channels on your television, your reality is instantly changed. You could go from watching an unsettling thriller to a comedy, instantaneously. Likewise, by changing your thoughts, you can change your life just as quickly, as you start to utilize the Law of Attraction in a different way.

A very good example of this is Nelson Mandela. When he was sentenced to jail for trying to end Apartheid in South Africa, he gave up on his dream of a racially free South Africa. One day, however, he saw a stream of light that hit the ground in a distant field. This gave Mandela hope and he started to believe in ending Apartheid. He began to write to foreign newspapers and draw attention to the struggle he was facing and the injustice of Apartheid and this, ultimately, began the change in South Africa that we now see today.

There are 3 key stages to implementing the Law of Attraction:

1) Interest: Dr. Michael Beckwith tells a story that perfectly illustrates how this works. When he was a young man, he started to work in a new church. Each day, as he drove to work, he noticed a homeless man who sat on the corner of the road. As the days went on and he continued to notice this, Dr. Beckwith started to wonder how this man became homeless. Within a short time, he received a letter from the IRS demanding a large amount of money that would ultimately lead Dr. Beckwith to this situation. Dr. Beckwith immediately switched his interest away from this. Whenever he saw that man, instead of wondering how he got into such a position, he would simply bless him and be grateful. Within a few weeks, the IRS sent him another letter saying that it had made a mistake. Begin to switch your interest today and your situation will soon follow.

2) Attention: This expands on interest. Whereas interest is short-term, attention is the longer term application of interest that allows these changes to appear into your life.

3) Expectation: This is interest in action. By expecting, using the Law of Supply, you realise that there is an abundance and that from this abundance, your needs will be fulfilled.

Begin to use the Law of Attraction in your life today by using these 3 key stages that are outlined in the 11 Forgotten Laws.

La Ley de Dar y Recibir

Although it is officially called the Law of Receiving, this Law should be called the Law of Giving and Receiving. This is because both are so strongly connected.

As a child, Bob’s family was poor. One day, during the cold winter, Bob told his mum about one of his friends whose family was even poorer. They did not have enough money for coal for the fire.

Bob’s mother gave him a $20 bill, and asked him to get change of two $10 bills and give his friend’s family $10. At this time, $10 was a substantial amount of money and the generosity and kindness that Bob’s mother showed, stuck with him throughout his life.

When Bob started out in business, he instructed his staff to give 10% of the company’s earnings to charity. As Bob’s schedule changed, he started to have less involvement with the day to day management of his company. The company’s financial position changed and when Bob asked his staff if they were tithing like he asked them to, he was told that they were not.

Bob immediately shifted his emphasis to the daily management of his business. He ensured that the company was tithing like he requested and, as a result, the company’s fortunes changed.

Bob understands that in order to receive, you must first give. When you give, you begin to live from an abundance mentality and your mind is better suited to receiving.

Many of the world’s wealthiest people are prolific givers. John D. Rockefeller gave away over half a billion dollars during his lifetime and Bill Gates is another who has created a foundation that uses billions of dollars for charitable causes.

There is a powerful line in this lesson which says that if you want to receive the best, give the best. Make a commitment to give your best today and see how the Law of Receiving works for you.

Nunca es tarde

«Pensaba que se reirían de mí en la Universidad, pero acabé Antropología» ( Diario de León - 22/07/2010 )
-¿Cuándo empezó a estudiar Antropología?

-Tenía ya 80 años. Me llevó tres acabar. Ahora voy por el doctorado.

-¿Estudió en Madrid?

-Sí. Soy de Puebla de Lillo, pero mi padre sufrió un embargo y tuvo que irse a América, para intentar recuperarse. Murió en Argentina. Luego me casé y acabé viviendo en Madrid.

-Si es de Puebla de Lillo, ¿por qué escribe tanto de Navas de los Caballeros?

-Porque me casé con uno de aquí, que era guarda forestal.

-¿Pero el hábito de estudio no se pierde?


-¿Y la memoria?

-Tampoco. Cuando hice la oposición de Magisterio repasé mucho.

Lo que cuesta la televisión

El precio de la Televisión ( Diario de León - 22/07/2010 )
La televisión es cada día menos gratis. Sólo las públicas cuestan a los hogares más de 130 euros anuales, 87,6 euros por hogar sólo en subvenciones: 1.450 millones de euros el año pasado.
Bruselas estudia si aprobará la nueva financiación de RTVE con su tasa a las telefónicas.
Las televisiones públicas, autonómicas y locales costaron alrededor de 2.000 millones de euros a las arcas públicas en 2009, 1.450 sólo en subvenciones.

Las cuentas claras, que cada ciudadano sepa cuánto paga. ¿Preferimos saberlo o ver la tele sin mirar al bolsillo?