jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The Golden Buddha

The Golden Buddha: "

If you have ever been to Thailand, you will know about the famous Golden Buddha.

The truth behind this Buddha is very interesting.

During the 1700’s, Thailand was conquered by the Burmese. The Thai monks did not want these Golden Buddhas to be taken as spoils of war and decided to cover them in clay.

For over 250 years, these Buddhas were simply seen as old relics made of clay, until one night in the 1960’s.

A group of restorers were moving one of these Buddhas and accidentally dropped one. A small crack formed in the Buddha and the restorers were very concerned.

At night, they were shining a torch on the Buddha and realised that light was reflecting back. They carefully examined further and realised that the entire Buddha was made of gold!

This story reflects perfectly with all of us. We often judge others by rules, prejudices and opinions and forget to realise the true person beneath.

Take some time today to see the ‘Golden Buddha’ within everybody and see how much easier it is to respect, admire and learn from everyone that you meet.


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